- 02/06/2022 - When A Plan Comes Together
- 02/13/2022 - The Building of a Nation
- 02/20/2022 - Prospering in a Culture of Hatred
- 02/27/2022 - Moses the Deliverer
- 03/06/2022 - God Raising Up His People
- 03/13/2022 - God Raising Up His People (pt 2)
- 03/20/2022 - Living at the Burning Bush
- 04/03/2022 - What's In A Name?
- 04/24/2022 - From the Burning Bush to the Tree of Knowledge
- 05/01/2022 - Prophetic Power for God's People
- 05/08/2022 - Dependence, Not Despair
- 05/22/2022 - Darkest Before The Dawn
- 05/29/2022 - Seeing In The Dark
- 06/05/2022 - The Tenacity of God
- 06/19/2022 - The Sun That Melts The Wax ...
- 05/15/2022 - The God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob
- 06/26/2022 - Often Imitated But Never Duplicated
- 07/03/2022 - When God Judges A Nation
- 07/10/2022 - Conquering the Gods of False Worship
- 07/17/2022 - God Over Our Enemies
- 07/24/2022 - Keep Hammering
- 08/07/2022 - A Distinction Among People
- 08/14/2022 - Kicking Against The Goads
- 08/21/2022 - Indefatigable Sovereignty
- 08/28/2022 - Remember When
- 09/05/2022 - The Ninth Plague: Darkness