Pastor’s Corner

Greetings Church Family,

As we continue to move forward together in unity and commitment for Christ's “Kingdom Come” (as we've been commanded to pray), I want you to join me in prayer concerning an upcoming event. On the evening of February 16th, we will host a vision meeting in regard to the possible opportunity for launching a Christian Worldview education center for primary and secondary grades. I have invited Brother Jacob Staley to join me in our conversation as he and I have been praying and evaluating methods and models that could serve Christian families who are committed to educating their children from a Christian perspective. Jacob has done most of the leg work in this pursuit so I'll give the majority of the time to him for sharing the methods and models as I continue to encourage the vision. The entire evening service will be dedicated to this conversation. Also, a light meal will be provided in the Family Life Center after for any and all questions for Jacob or me. Invite any friends that might be interested, that share this commitment for their family and also possible donors that might share this vision.

Pastor Ed