Greetings Church Family
As we welcome March and anticipate some warmer temperatures we also are reminded of ministry opportunities ahead. Our spring missional projects include the annual Carmi Children’s Home yard sale. Please continue to store up really good items to donate as we continue our long standing cooperation with them. Also, continue to pray for our Cobden Bible Club as Pastor Matt and his team continue to experience some of our best numbers to date. Brother Dan Richardson and Amy have been making in home visits with the parents of children participating. Their reports of these encounters have been so encouraging. Please pray for them in this mighty endeavor. Bible study on Tuesday night at SIU continues to be fruitful as Danny and Luke lead. Pray! Some of those young men and women have attended our Sunday night doctrinal studies. Pastor Matt’s Monday night young men’s group continues to thrive. Shout out to Brother Aiden Bass as he has opened up his home to the young men’s ministry for a couple of years now. Preparation for Mexico will begin soon. Two church sponsored ministries this year will invest in Living Hope. First, the optometry and dental clinic will continue to serve the orphanage. Second, I will have the privilege of teaching the second week in May at the La Vinia Bible college. So, there’s much to anticipate. Warmer weather hopefully, gospel fruitfulness definitely!
Also, continue to pray for Ellie and Sarah as they stand on the frontlines for life in the most fierce places of spiritual warfare known. Real Christian warriors, not in name only!
Last but not least. Jacob Staley was used by the Spirit in a mighty way last month to call us to refocus our priority in shaping our children’s education through the lenses of the Christian worldview. I was so pleased to see how well attended the meeting was especially in light of the inclement weather. Also, the fellowship that followed was filled with substantive conversations of young families at every table. I would ask every member of FBC to take the online survey by accessing the QR code from our church website (look for the Paideia page under Education) with your smart phone. Also, I would ask all our FBC members to post the QR pic on any social media platforms you have along with a brief description of the survey.
While with so much more to comment on I must end here. Suffice it to say, kingdom work abounds here through FBC. Pray for your own faithful involvement. How? Pray, be present, give and cheer for the glory of God in all things!
Pastor Ed